Why Key Concepts Kan Learning Center

KCKLC vs Other Daycares

Key Concepts Kan Learning Center is so much more than ordinary daycare. It’s a rich learning environment where children are empowered to explore and develop skills at their own pace. It’s a safe, comfortable atmosphere where individuality is celebrated, and children are taught by trained professionals and nurtured by a caring staff.

While day care is typically focused on keeping children amused while their parents are absent, Key Concepts Kan Learning Center focuses on developing young minds while having fun.

With a customized Early Education Program, we incorporate the use of traditional and non-traditional learning methods.  We offer the High Reach curriculum for our infants & toddlers, Saxon Early Learning Pre-K Research-based curriculum for our three, four and five year olds. 

We further enhance our education focus by incorporating Your Baby Can Read! a whole new way of learning. Based on the research of Robert C.Titzer, Ph.D, it is the first video series in the world designed to help babies, toddlers, and preschoolers learn to read! 

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